The Complexities of Falsehood

Bismillah. Falsehood, today has become a very complex topic. Not because the topic itself has grown in complexity, but merely the way it is presented. Often times falsehood is presented with truth, and it becomes harder to determine which is false and which is truth. That makes society see them as a “whole” unit. When…


  Sorrow had filled my heart for weeks, and appeared to me to simply be melanocholy. I had thought perhaps because my unhappiness had been at the hands of another. I blamed the sorrows placed upon me as a cause of the external world, all while ignoring the very thing that could help allelivate it….

untitled poem

sometimes nothing inspires me i’m afraid my days have been taken by anxiety i pray that these thoughts leave before my heart quits beating because these thoughts shouldn’t be repeating and i’d rather have others to be meeting and greeting  

reflection ii

It is humbling to place your head upon a earthly material during prayer. It serves as an ultimate reminder of where our bodies will end up, and reminds us of our last step in this world–death. Before I had dabbled into the understanding of Islam and it’s teachings about death, I had feared death. It…

reflection i

One of the most profound statements said to me was, “What if the smaller sins committed by people with more knowledge becomes equal in weight with bigger sins committed by people with less knowledge?”

Untitled 1

Oh my Lord, if I have ever murmured the words “I wish I had never had hardship”,  I beg for your forgiveness. For if the amount of your tests upon me accumulate to fill the lowest point in the Earth or stack up to rise against the highest mountain, I just pray that I find…


Don’t pray for God to take away/ease people’s hardships because hardships are a tool we can use to become closer to God. It is the time we can fully implement our knowledge by becoming people of action. Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) said, “O you who carry knowledge around with you; are you only…

I’m back!

I always take long breaks, I often forget I have a blog. I have been busy with school and Islamic studies, so I wouldn’t have had time to post, even if I did remember. I’m supposed to be writing an essay about how Islam is indeed the correct religion, so I will get off here…

Ramadan Kareem and 1st Day Thoughts.

First of all, Ramadan Kareem to all my followers who celebrate this month of fasting and spiritual reflection. May Allah bless you and accept from you. I meant to write this yesterday but I forgot, typical of me (heehee). Today was my first ever fast for Ramadan. I have fasted before but only for around 11 hours. Today…

I Forgot..

In all honesty, I forgot I had a blog…it has been the least important thing on my mind lately. I was “studying” hard for exams, by studying I mean watching videos on YouTube. Exams are stressful, and I just wasn’t prepared to be exhausted 100% of the time. Exam time came rather quickly, but I…